Clinic Fbg saint Antoine
89 rue du Faubourg Saint Antoine 75011 Paris
In case of emergency and outside opening hours, contact VETINPARIS Faubourg Saint Antoine on 01 43 07 01 06
Around us
Selective Naturals Botanicals Guinea Pig (Cochon d'Inde)
Selective Naturals Botanicals Rabbit (Lapin)
Selective Guinea Pig (Cochon d'Inde)
9,83€ - 58,04€
Selective Four+ Rabbit (Lapin)
12,28€ - 54,01€
Selective Junior Rabbit (Lapin)
9,68€ - 51,36€
Selective Adult Rabbit (Lapin)
11,00€ - 51,36€
Rongis Lapin (extrudé)
6,04€ - 29,48€
Repas Complet Optima Lapin Nain
6,88€ - 40,15€
Prestige Loro Australian grandes Perruches
7,80€ - 15,35€
Premium Canaris
7,57€ - 18,36€
Nutri-Berries Tropical Fruit Parrot
15,14€ - 60,32€
Nutribird Perroquets P15 Tropical (extrudé)
13,27€ - 31,03€